
Roz? Roz? Is this microphone on?

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Like any good Multiple Guess test.....I go with All of the Above. His words and actions display either the weakest theological training and mind or just an outright poor sense of humor coupled with a diabolical love of power. Either way he is a poor imitation of a acolyte much less the Pope.

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Hi Frasier, I choose 6. Any Catholic who publicly instructs Catholic youth to "make a mess," as he has, is of unsound mind.

I prefer to call him Bergoglio. Is he the Last Pope? I wonder if you've seen the intriguing story of Saint Malachy's prophecy about the last pope? I am not necessarily endorsing the controversial owners of the website . . . https://vaticancatholic.com/15-minute-must-see-video-st-malachys-prophecy-of-the-popes-and-antipopes-2nd-edition/

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I'm a "Other" vote, it's above my paygrade. I'm not 100% sure, like a peasant in Europe during the debacle with a mess of anti-popes. Folks then didn't know, weren't sure--some probably didn't even know the whole mess was going on. I pray for him like he is, and for his conversion back to the Faith.

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